Thursday, February 14, 2013

need a break from all this seriousness...

1. I may have eaten approximately 77 candy hearts in a 10 minute time period at sometime today...or not.

2. Y'all.  I ran went eighteen (18, 10+8, XVIII, 9*2, one-eight) miles last weekend.  The last 4 miles were torturous, as the mental game of not knowing how far I had left was not working properly.   (This is your this is your brain on 15 miles. At some point, a slight delirium settled over me. I seriously contemplated laying down in the dirt to wait for my cousins to come rescue me)  

At some point, I saw a man on a bike going the opposite direction.  I asked him if he knew how far to my final destination.  He said "at least 2 miles."  On any other day, 2 miles is a breeze.  I love 2 miles.  2 miles after 16, and dear sweet baby Jesus, please let him be lying!!!    There were lots of walk breaks in those last 4 miles, and I have never been so happy as at the end of that beast.  I felt awesome for the first 13 miles or so...then fatigue settled.  Y'all even with all the walking, I did the thing at an 11 minute pace.  Holy heffer.  That's far better than I had imagined.

I think this marathon, happening in one month from this coming monday, might be the hardest thing I ever do...hopefully that includes childbirth.

3. OK, I'm still talking running, because it's my life right now.  It's really amazing how your perspective changes towards distances, or how mine has changed during marathon training.  I remember when running 4 miles was amazing and 6 was a huge stretch!  Then during training for a half marathon, my long runs were 8, 9, and 10 miles long.  Those were sooooo long.  Yesterday, my midweek run was 8 miles.  That's like middle distance to me now.  Crazy, huh?  My brain has changed.

4. Ok, BIG news.  Tomorrow, Erin Leigh and I are being interviewed by CBS46-Atlanta for our 26 miles for 26 girls!!  We needed something BIG to happen!!  This is it!!   I will post a link to the video later!

It's a frightening and utterly exhilarating truth, isn't it? As God's chosen, blessed sons and daughters, we are expected to attempt something large enough that failure is guaranteed...unless God steps in.
(Dr. Bruce Wilkinson)

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