Thursday, November 18, 2010

the life and times of Brooke...

I've been a terrible blogger.  I know I deserve a wrist slap.    I've benefitted so much (especially in the creativity department-see below) from blogworld, yet I've hardly given back.  And honestly, it's because I haven't made it a priority...and I think I'm ok with that right now.  I feel as if so many demands are placed on my time and money that it is not possible to say yes to everything.  A couple of new things that have taken new priority in my life are my precious sisters.  Melissa and I started a phone streak one month ago today that means we talk on the phone every single day, even if just for a minute.  Shortly after, Mallory and I started doing the same thing.  It has been fantastic.  I've never read the Love Languages book by Gary Chapman, but I'm pretty sure my love language is quality time.   My dad has been in Atlanta this week, so last night he took my roommate Jessica and I out for dessert.  It was so good to shoot the breeze with him.  It's been soooo long since I've really done that with him.  While I definitely appreciate the grander things sometimes, I really feel as if that its the normalities of every day life that makes the best stuff of relationships.  It's the chicken in the pot pie, if you will.    
This is the frame which I got last week.  I had been eying it for almost a year, with the intention of inserting corkboard in the middle.  I'm a big fan of this. 

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